The overall goal for this lab is to build a system that can
detect treasurers of different shapes and colors.
This consists of the following parts:
Arduino-Camera communication
Arduino-FPGA communication
Camera-FPGA communication
Color detection with the FPGA, Camera, and Arduino
Prelab Questions
From the FPGA’s specifications, what is the maximum size of the
buffer you can create? Given that each entry is ___, how many
entries large can the RAM be?
Total RAM = 594 Kbits = 74250 bytes
The OV7670 offers a variety of pixels formats to sample data.
Which of the formats available provides the most info on the base
colors making up each pixel?
Image sensor can output the following:
QCIF 176 x 144 = 24768 bytes can fit
YUV/YCbCr 4:2:2
GRB 4:2:2
Raw RGB Data
Use RGB565 since it maintains the most information
Given that the input to the VGA adapter is RGB332, how can you
convert (downsize) the pixel format from Q2 to be accepted by the
VGA module?
Starting with the RGB565 pixel format, take the most significant
bits to downsample to the VGA-accepted RGB332 format
Now that you know the downsized memory per pixel (from Q3), you
need to know how many you can fit into memory. Which of the
predefined resolutions that the OV7670 supports provides the max
amount of pixels in an image, given the constrained max size of
the buffer (from Q1)? What’s the size of the buffer?
QCIF 176 x 144 = 24768 bytes can fit
Using the Register Set table on pages 10-23 of the OV7670
datasheet, find the registers you will need to set.
Take a look at the timing diagrams (Fig 5 and 6) on Page 7
(Ignore HSYNC, you won’t use it). Use both diagrams to determine
when you should sample your data. (Hint: You only want to sample
valid bytes, and each one only once)
HREF signal is high during readout of a single row, and low in between readouts of rows
VSYNC is set high after all rows of a single frame have been read out, signaling the start of a new frame
RGB565 uses 16 bits to represent a single pixel, so requires two cycles to output since the camera outputs 8 bits in parallel per cycle
Data is fully valid every other cycle when HREF is asserted
Timing diagrams shown below in Downsampler portion of the FPGA section
Discuss with your entire team, what method you want to use to
communicate information from the FPGA to the Arduino. Parallel?
For this lab, we are going to use parallel communication
We have open pins on the Arduino we are using
Easy to implement
For the actual implementation on the robot, we are going to use software-serial
We have a pin-shortage
To begin, we split into two groups of two. Each group progressed
through the lab individually, as described below.
Arduino & Camera Team = Kenneth and Tyler
FPGA Team = Brian and Eric
Arduino & Camera Team
GOAL: setup the camera and create an FPGA-Arduino communication protocol
Tyler discovered how to do this on Mac (see Piazza post)
Without this, the I2C signals would be pulled up to 5V, which would break the camera
We wired a 5V input from the Arduino to a 3.3V regulator, with capacitors on the 5V input and 3.3V output to stabilize the power supply
NOTE - the regulator’s output will not be 3.3V unless it is loaded
For testing our regulator we added a 330 Ω resistor and measured the output pin
We wired up the schematic provided in the lab, which sets up I2C communication with the camera for programming
NOTE - pin names on the camera differ from the diagram below
Credit to Kirstin for both schematic diagrams
Camera-to-Arduino power schematic
Camera-to-Arduino I2C schematic
Full system wiring                
Programming the Camera
The camera has control registers defined by their Serial Camera
Control Bus (SCCB) interface
We can use this interface via I2C from the Arduino
Here are the control bits we need to set, and in which register
(the format is REGISTER_NAME[bit_index], bits are 0-indexed):
COM7[7] = 1
COM7[3] = 1
COM7[2],[0] = 1, 1
COM7[1] = 1
COM3[3] = 1
COM9[6:4] = 000
COM9[0] = 1
COM15[7:6] = 11
COM15[5:4] = 01
COM17[3] = 1
CLKRC[7] = 1
CLKRC[6] = 1
MVFP[5] = 1
MVFP[4] = 1
← SCCB register reset
← Output format - QCIF selection
← Output format - RGB selection
← Color bar enable
← Scale enable
← Automatic Gain Ceiling (2x)
← Freeze AGC/AEC
← Data format - output full range enable
← RGB 565 enable
← DSP color bar enable
← Enable digital PLL option
← Use external clock directly
← Mirror image enable
← VFlip enable
The camera I2C slave addresses are found on page 10 of the camera datasheet
0x42 = write address
0x43 = read address
NOTE - Arduino’s Wire library fills in the LSB based on whether we are reading or writing
The actual address we use when calling the Wire library is 0x21 (the 7 MSB of the above slave addresses
NOTE - all values will be read in hexadecimal format
All addresses and write values should also be written in hex
Be sure you specify that format in your code (eg. 0xAB)
We used the provided read_register_value() function to create a function read_key_registers()
We use this as a diagnostic tool to print out the values in all of the target registers
It is the first function called, and then is called again after writing to the registers
This allows us to compare the results to make sure we set the correct registers to the desired value
Setting up the camera registers
Creating FPGA-to-Camera Communication Scheme
For the competition, we need to be able to detect the following:
Presence of a treasure
Color detection - blue or red
Shape detection - triangle, square, or circle
We created the below table to encode this information into 1 byte
Although we are using a full byte, the 7 possibilities fit into just 3 bits
In Lab 4, we only need to be able to detect color: Red or Blue
This is easily done with one wire from a GPIO pin on the FPGA to a
digital I/O pin on the Arduino
During the competition, when we need to transmit three bits at a time,
we plan to use software serial
This is more challenging to setup
Only requires two pins -> we only have two pins available
FPGA-to-Arduino communication scheme
GOAL: setup the FPGA to perform shape and color detection
The 25 MHz clock is used for the downsampler, image processor, and VGA driver
Buffer Reader
Display test pattern across the VGA Driver by writing a test array to
memory and reading from it
Update the X_ADDR and Y_ADDR, since these form the write address in
memory corresponding to the pixel that is to be displayed
If X_ADDR < 50, write a green pixel
Else if X_ADDR < 80, write a blue pixel
Else write a red pixel
Once this is written to memory, VGA driver continuously reads all the
pixel values in memory and displays them
Buffer reader test image
The camera is set up to output RGB565 pixel format, thus there are:
5 bits for the red channel
6 bits for the green channel
5 buts for the blue channel
A total of 16 bits per image
Since the camera outputs 8 bits in parallel at a time per pixel,
2 clock cycles are needed to output all 16 bits that represent a
single pixel
The output is broken up as follows:
Byte on first cycle = 5 bits of red + 3 bits of green
Byte on second cycle = 3 bits of green + 5 bits of blue
See the RGB565 timing diagram below for more information
To downsample to RGB332, simply take the 3 MSB’s of red, 3 MSB’s of
green, and 2 MSB’s of blue
HREF signal is asserted during a readout of an entire row of pixels,
and is low in between row readouts
After all rows have been readout in a single frame, VSYNC is asserted
See the VGA frame timing diagram below for more information
Every two cycles of PCLK (clock at which pixels are readout from camera):
a valid RGB332 pixel value is produced
W_EN needs to be asserted
In top level, use readout sequence with HREF and VSYNC to determine
the address in memory that needs to be written to during readout and
when it is to be incremented
RGB565 timing diagram
VGA frame timing diagram
Color Detection
For this lab, the color detection task consisted of determining
whether a given image was primarily blue or primarily red
Determine this by counting frequency of pixels with an R value >
B value
Every VGA clock cycle, the image processing block reads a new pixel
from memory
The downsampler stores three bits of red information and two bits
of blue information
Given this, we count the number of times the two most significant
bits of red are greater than the two most significant bits of blue
If this counter exceeds half the number of pixels in the image
(12672) by the end of the frame, the image was majority red
Every time VSYNC rises to signal a new frame, we update an output
pin according to:
Majority red = HIGH
Majority blue = LOW
Full System Testing
This video demonstration shows our robot completing all required behaviors:
Uses the camera to capture a live image
Downsamples that image from RGB565 to RGB332 on the FPGA
Displays that image on the monitor through the VGA adapter
The FPGA processes the data to determine if the image is red or blue
The FPGA transmits that information to the Arduino
The Arduino prints the results onto the Serial monitor