Integrate all components previously worked on in labs 1-2 and
milestones 1-2. This consists of creating a robot that:
Starts on a 660 Hz tone
Navigates a small test maze autonomously
Sends maze information it discovers wirelessly to a base station
Displays the updates on the base station (used for debugging)
One group will work on the radio component and the other on integrating
the various functionality. At the end of the lab, this work will be
unified so that the robot can run through the maze and update the GUI
as it explores.
Discuss method to encode maze information
Kenneth designed Maze class and software hierarchy
Final maze has the following specifications:
9 × 9 squares
Each square can be explored or unexplored
Each square can have walls on either and all sides
Each square can have treasures (with three shapes and two colors
Each square can potentially have other robots or decoys
To begin, we split into two groups of two. Each group progressed
through the lab individually, as described below.
Robot Integration Team = Brian and Kenneth
Radio Team = Eric and Tyler
NOTE - due to the complexity and interconnectedness of the functions
in this lab, we frequently came together as one large group to track
progress and talk through issues
Radio Team
GOAL: send maze information wirelessly between Arduino’s
We programmed the "GettingStarted" sketch onto both Arduinos
Allowed us to open a serial monitor for each radio simultaneously
Initial Issues:
Broken hardware
Broken female-to-male jumper wire (no connectivity)
After addressing these issues, we were able to experiment with the radios
We cycled through the power level settings to test the range
Minimum of 15 feet range is needed for the final competition
RF24_PA_MIN = 7 feet
RF24_PA_LOW = 10 feet
RF24_PA_HIGH = 17 feet
RF24_PA_MAX = 25 feet --> we decided to use this for extra reliability
NOTE - straight-line distance was measured in the hallway with no obstructions
NOTE - these were found to be the values at which no packet-loss was detected for 25 consecutives transmissions
Sending Maze Information Between Arduinos
Our software is structured such that a Maze object is stored on both the Robot and the Base Station
The Maze object is updated using one of the following commands:
At a high-level, this process looks as follows
Robot logic determines what movement to take and updates its Maze object
Robot encodes the Maze update function using the chart below
Robot transmits this instruction, in 1 byte, to the base station
Base station receives the 1 byte instruction
Base station decodes the instruction using the chart below
Base station calls the Maze update method, which keeps the two Maze objects equivalent
Due to the simplicity of this structure, we can encode all of the information in 1 byte
Our receiver is set to send an Ack Payload confirming receipt of the instruction
We intend on making this error checking more robust
Figure 1 - Byte encoding chart
Creating the Base Station
Our base station Arduino is programmed with a different main sketch than our robot
Although they share sub-function libraries (.cpp and .h files)
Maze.h and Maze.cpp
nordic_rf.h and nordic_rf.cpp
Robot is hard-coded to perform Transmitter setup and only call Transmitter functions
Base station is hard-coded to perform Receiver setup and only call Receiver functions
The base station has a main loop that runs the following processes:
Receive transmission from robot (1 byte)
Decode the transmission using the table in Figure 1 (above)
Run the required command to update the base station Maze object
Transmit the updated information to the GUI
Calls the command: getGUIMessage(byte x, byte y)
x = current x location = getX()
y = current y location = getY()
Base Station-to-GUI Transmission
The getGUIMessage(byte x, byte y) function takes the x and y coordinates of the current robot position and prints out the correct GUI string across the serial connection to the PC.
Correct GUI string is a comma separated string containing the row and column positions, and information of walls in the four possible positions surrounding the robot.
Since the base station also contains an updated version of the Maze object and updates it everytime it receives a transmission from the robot, this function can just process the walls and robot position variables in the Maze object to retrieve correct information.
Robot Integration Group
GOAL: Robot-to-GUI integration, full exploration, and update the GUI
Materials Used
Our robot
All code from past labs
IR Decoy
660 Hz tone generator
Partner with another team to show robot avoidance
Walls to make the maze set up (follow this layout
Maze layout for testing
Discuss Data Sotrage / Maze Object
We defined a cpp class Maze to store our maze information. It has the following fields:
byte pos: Indicates the robot position. The 4 MSBs make up the X coordinate of the robot, and the 4 LSBs make up the Y coordinate of the robot. Origin (0,0) is the top left corner of the grid.
byte heading: Indicates the direction the robot is facing. 0 is North, 1 is East, 2 is South, and 3 is West.
short visited[9]: Keeps track of which squares have been visited already on the grid. The array has 9 shorts (16-bit data) corresponding to rows on the grid. The 9 LSBs are of each short in the array represent the columns in that row. These bits are set to 1 if the corresponding (x,y) coordinate was visited, and 0 if not. For example visited[3] 5th LSB represents whether the coordinate (5,3) was visited.
byte walls[18]: This is our most complicated encoding. There are a total of 18 grid lines (9 rows and 9 columns). Along each grid line, there can be a total of 8 walls (excluding the external bounding walls of the 9x9 grid). For example, if we follow the grid line that goes through the first row of the grid, there are 8 spots along that line where a wall could exist. We use this fact to encode our walls seen in a data structure with 0 wasted bits! For each grid line we have a byte, and each bit corresponds to one of the walls that could exist on that gridline. We set the bits to 1 if we see the corresponding walls, and 0 if those walls do not exist. This lets us store all of the walls seen in 18 bytes.
As discussed earlier, the Maze object has a 3-function interface. This narrow interface makes it extremely easy to reason about updating the maze, and all our complicated bit-shifting and arithmetic is handled internally. Here is the interface:
void turnLeft(): Updates the heading of the robot in the Maze object
void turnRight(): Updates the heading of the robot in hte Maze object
void advanceIntersection(bool frontWall, bool leftWall, bool rightWall): Updates the position of the robot in the maze object, and sets all of the wall bits in walls[18] based on the robot's new position and heading. This function does all of the hard work of shifting the appropriate bits and bit masking, etc.
Integrate Radio Communication into Software
Since we had done such a good job integrating our systems for Milestone 2, minimal changes had to be made for Lab 3
First, we integrated our new sub-function libraries
Maze.h and Maze.cpp
nordic_rf.h and nordic_rf.cpp
As previously mentioned, these are the exact same files that the base station uses (modularity!)
Second, we updated our main loop movement logic
The code is identical to the code from Milestone 2, with the addition of just 5 new lines
// wall detected at intersection
if ((sensorStatus[0] == 0) && (sensorStatus[1] == 0) && (sensorStatus[2] == 0) && detect_wall_6in(3) ) {
if (detect_wall_6in(1)){
turnLeftIntersection(servo_L, servo_R);
send_advance_intersection(radio, true, false, true); //NEW LINE
send_turn_left(radio); //NEW LINE
turnRightIntersection(servo_L, servo_R);
send_advance_intersection(radio, true, false, false); //NEW LINE
send_turn_right(radio); //NEW LINE
// wall detected but not at an intersection
else if (detect_wall_3in(3)) {
turnLeft(servo_L, servo_R);
send_turn_left(radio); //NEW LINE
// no wall detected --> just track the line
else if (sensorStatus[0] == 0) //turn Right
adjustRight(servo_L, servo_R, 85);
else if (sensorStatus[2] == 0) //turn Left
adjustLeft(servo_L, servo_R, 85);
else {
moveForward(servo_L, servo_R);
Full System Testing
This video demonstration shows our robot completing all required behaviors:
Starts on a 660 Hz tone
Navigates a small test maze autonomously (line tracking and wall detection)
Sends maze information wirelessly to the base station
Displays updates on the base station GUI
Stops for enemy robots (IR Hat) and ignores Decoys
We updated our IR detection system to increase range and accuracy
To boost range beyond the 1 foot requirement, we added a second amplifier
To better differentiate between Robots and Decoys, we use our FFT to check for both
the 6.08 kHz IR value as well as its second harmonic frequency