Test and familiarize yourself with the sensors and signal
processing needed for your robot to detect acoustic and
optical signals and interface with the Arduino Uno. The
Acoustic sub-team will work on the microphone circuit, which
will detect a 660 Hz whistle blow, signifying the start of
the maze mapping competition. The Optical sub-team will work
on the IR sensor circuit, which will detect nearby robots
emitting IR at 6.08 kHz and distinguish them from decoys
emitting at 18 kHz.
Review documentation for the analog-to-digital converter on the ATmega328 (Arduino microcontroller)
Find a website to generate the 660 Hz tone for testing
Design simple analog amplifying and filtering circuits
To begin, we split into two groups of two. Each group progressed
through the lab individually, as described below.
Acoustic Team = Kenneth and Tyler
Optical Team = Brian and Eric
FFT Analysis
Both the Acoustic and Optical parts of this lab used Fast Fourier
Transforms (FFT) to determine the frequency components of the sampled
input signal from the sensors. For pure sinusoids, this is not so
difficult, as one can simply read off the period in the time domain.
However, for more complicated signals, it is not necessarily clear what
frequencies are present, and certainly not clear if a given frequency
is present. To make this process easier, a signal can be inspected in
the frequency domain.
In the frequency domain, we can observe a signals “spectrum”.
A spectrum is an interpretation of a signal which assigns a magnitude
(an importance) to a given frequency. The standard way to compute this
is with a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT):
The DFT equation
The DFT computes a change of basis, assigning the weight X(k) to a
given radial frequency (2*pi*k/N) by computing the inner product of the
original signal with the complex exponential at that frequency.
Note that to compute one X(k) value, we need N multiplications, and
N - 1 additions. To get useful information about a signal of size N, you
generally need N values of k. This makes the DFT computation an O(n^2)
operation, which can get very slow for large values of N.
To speed this process up, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used.
The FFT is an algorithm for computing the DFT efficiently—the best
speed up is achieved when N is a power of 2. The algorithm uses a
“divide-and-conquer” method to compute the DFT. It first isolates the
even and odd terms of the original DFT sum. Then it evaluates these
sums as two independent FFTs of length N/2.
The FFT divide-and-conquer approach
FFT Butterfly diagram
A key to this process is that the odd sum gets transformed into a N/2
FFT by pulling out an overall constant phase. This process of splitting
up into two FFTs can continue down all the way until you have reached a
series of FFTs, each acting on only two values. This splitting action
occurs log2(N) - 1 times. At each stage, there are N multiplications and
additions, so our computational complexity has decreased to
O(N * log2(N)).
The FFT algorithm was implemented using Open Music Labs Arduino FFT
Library. By default, the library takes in an analog signal from Arduino
pin A0, samples it at 256 equally spaced intervals, and returns an array
with 128 values, which represent the magnitude of the frequency content
for frequenices up to half of the samping frequency. Since the FFT of a real signal is
symmetric over zero, only half of the outputs are unique, and thus 128
bins are returned (not 256).
The FFT code can be modified to alter the performance of the ADC
(information from the ADC section of the ATmega328 datasheet [page 305]).
The important ADC characteristics are:
10-bit resolution
ADC clock is dependent on chosen prescalar, which is set based upon last 3 bits of ADCSRA register
The default FFT code sets the ADC prescaler = 32
Prescalar = 128 -> maps to clock of 125 kHz
Prescalar = 64 -> maps to clock of 250 kHz
Prescalar = 32 -> maps to clock of 1 MHz
Prescalar = 16 -> maps to clock of 2 MHz
Prescalar = 8 -> maps to clock of 4 MHz
Prescalar = 4 -> maps to clock of 8 MHz
NOTE - at frequencies higher than 250 kHz the 10-bit accuracy degrades
A normal conversion takes 13 ADC clock cycles
Sampling frequency = clock rate divided by number of cycles
Fs = clock rate/cycles
Fs = 125000/13 = 9615 Hz
To test and visualize the data, we used the example code "fft_adc_serial,"
which prints the FFT magnitude data to the serial monitor. We then copied
the data into Excel, and wrote a simple MATLAB script to read in and plot
the data.
Acoustic Team
GOAL: use an Arduino and the FFT library to detect a 660 Hz whistle blow
First, we built the recommended circuit from the datasheet to connect the microphone to the Arduino
1 × 1 μF Capacitor
1 × 3.3 kΩ resistor
Circuit from datasheet
Circuit on breadboard
Results from oscilloscope
We used the previously mentioned website to generate a 660 Hz tone
Results shown by the oscilloscope indicate a response, although the waveform amplitude is relatively small
DC bias ~3mV
Peak-to-peak ~40mV
That is with the source right next to the microphone
Clearly, we need to amplify the output
Testing the FFT Library
As mentioned earlier, we use the Open Labs Arduino FFT Library for calculating the FFT
To increase the accuracy of our readings, we altered the ADC prescaler value
Original: prescaler = 32 -> maps to clock of 1 MHz
Modified: prescaler = 128 -> maps to clock of 125 kHz
The original code had:
First set line: ADCSRA = 0xe5
Second set line: ADCSRA = 0xf5
Our modified code is:
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // use the serial port
TIMSK0 = 0; // turn off timer0 for lower jitter - delay() and millis() killed
ADCSRA = 0xe7; // set the adc to free running mode, set prescaler=128 (default e5=32)
ADMUX = 0x40; // use adc0
DIDR0 = 0x01; // turn off the digital input for adc0
void loop() {
while(1) { // reduces jitter
cli(); // UDRE interrupt slows this way down on arduino1.0
for (int i = 0 ; i < 512 ; i += 2) { // save 256 samples
while(!(ADCSRA & 0x10)); // wait for adc to be ready
ADCSRA = 0xf7; // restart adc --> set prescaler=f7=128 (default f5=32)
Next, we calculated which bin we would expect to find the 660 Hz signal in
ADC clock = 125 kHz
ADC sampling = 13 clock cycles per read
ADC sampling = 125 kHz/13 = 9,615.38 Hz
Number of Samples = 256
Bin Size = 9,615.38/256 = 37.56 Hz/bin
Bin for 660 Hz = 660/37.56 = 17.57 --> Bin 18
Experimentally, we found that 660 Hz is right on the border between Bins 18 and 19
Thus, in our integrated detection code we check for a large magnitude in BOTH of these bins
Building a Microphone Amplifier Circuit
For our circuit, we added an active low pass filter with a gain of -10 dB
First, we added two large (680 kΩ) resistors to bias the op amp's inverting input to mid-rail (2.5V)
Next, we biased the op amp's non-inverting input to mid-rail using two 10 kΩ resistors, so that we only amplified the differential changes due to the microphone
Lastly, we added a parallel RC tank which acts as a low pass filter with a cutoff frequency of around 742 Hz
Because there was no 550 pF capacitor in lab, we added a parallel combination of a 220 pF and a 330 pF capacitor to give us the desired cutoff frequency
Circuit diagram
Breadboard circuit
Breadboard circuit
Testing the Microphone - Amplifier Circuit
Circuit testing
To make sure the microphone amplifier circuit was working properly, we ran it through the following tests:
660 Hz tone
680 Hz tone
640 Hz tone
660+760 Hz tone
660+560 Hz tone
For each test, we played one or more distinct tones from device(s) 5 cm away from the microphone
With the audio playing, we ran the FFT code and recorded the data
Once we finished, we graphed the results
The data shows that we are successfully able to differentiate between various tones
Microphone amplifier circuit FFT test results
Integrating the Microphone Functionality into Software
We created a function "detect_660hz"
Runs FFT function with prescaler = 128
Checks bins 18 AND 19
If magnitudes are both greater than a defined threshold -> returns TRUE
* [detect_660hz]
* OUTPUT = returns TRUE if a 660hz signal is detected by the Arduino,
* & FALSE otherwise
* Uses THRESHOLD to determine whether the tone is playing or not
bool detect_660hz(){
byte * fft_log_out = get_fft_bins();
if (fft_log_out[17] > THRESHOLD && fft_log_out[18] > THRESHOLD) //bins 18 & 19, but 0 based so subtract 1
return true;
return false;
To test "detect_660hz", we wrote a simple sketch
Every time through the loop, "detect_660hz" is run
To prevent a stray audio source from setting off our robot, a counter is used
If and only if "detect_660hz" returns true 6 times in a row --> then the robot will start
We chose to implement an active band-pass filter with amplification in order to filter out DC and low frequency signals while also filtering out the higher frequency decoy signals
Received IR signals in the pass band (from other robots’ IR hats) are amplified for better ADC quantization range, as well as to detect them from further distances
Cut-off frequencies were intended to be 5 kHz and 7 kHz
Our capacitor and resistor values were:
R1 = 10 Ω
C1 = 2.3 μF
R2 = 3.2 kΩ
C2 = 10 nF
This resulted in cut-off frequencies of 4.97 kHz and 6.92 kHz
The gain of the filter in the pass band was intended to be R2/R1 = 320
Actual results:
Peak Gain: 75 or 19 dB
Bode Plot
Shows bandpass filter with 3 dB bandwidth 700 Hz to 10 kHz
18kHz signal is half the power of the 6 kHz signal after active filter
Harmonics of the 18 kHz signal that would alias into the 6 kHz bins come out of the filter with 1/10 the magnitude of a 6 kHz signal
Band-pass filter schematic (from Professor Shealy, ECE2100 course notes)
IR filter bode plot
FFT Analysis
The default example code sets the ADC in free running mode and polls for each ADC conversion
ADC prescaler = 32
NOTE - this ADC setup is different from the one used by the Acoustic Team
Arduino clock frequency = 16 MHz
Thus, sampling frequency = 38.4 kHz
This is quick enough for the purpose of detecting IR signals, since we are sampling above the Nyquist rate, and the highest frequency IR signal we will see is 18 kHz
However, we may still see harmonics of these signals that are aliased to lower frequencies, since a sinusoidal input to a diode will cause harmonics
Given our sampling rate and decoy frequency, we expect these aliased signals to appear at frequencies that are filtered out by our band pass filter
The FFT code outputs 128 bins
Frequencies of interest are in bins 41 and 42
This corresponds to 6.01 kHz and 6.16 kHz
Spectrum is pretty sparse
There are some small peaks around 8 kHz and 13 kHz
IR Hat
There is a large peak at 6160 Hz
Bins 41 and 42 correspond to the 6 kHz IR hat signal
When the peaks in these bins are above a threshold, then the IR hat signal is detected
IR Decoy
There is a peak corresponding to 18 kHz on the spectrum
No frequencies are aliased to the bins around 6 kHz
Thus, we can ignore the 18 kHz peak and only observe bins 41 and 42 for IR hat detection
IR Hat + IR Decoy
There are peaks at 6 kHz and 18 kHz
Ignore the 18 kHz bins
Observe bins 41 and 42 for IR hat detection
Concurrent Testing
Our concurrent testing software works as follows
Idle until 660 Hz tone is detected
When microphone circuit detects 660 Hz, turn on YELLOW LED and advance in code